Our small job make Croatia grow up

Help at Sea

Marin ES Baza Zadar

Help at Sea


The EmergenSea Help initiative, launched and supported by Alimar Skiper Sistemi Ltd., arose from the need to unify charter companies, private boat owners, insurance companies, diving clubs, fishermen's associations, and other nautical entities around a common goal – providing assistance and interventions at sea, including sea property rescue.

Especially equipped fast vessels, appropriate equipment, 24-hour standby logistics, and a trained staff make the EmergenSea network a reliable partner at the moment you need help at sea, delivery or escort, and securing various events.

Its Mediterranean focus and emphasis on ecological activities significantly contribute to preserving the Mediterranean as a unique ecological entity. The EmergenSea network is a proud partner of the Blue World Institute from Mali Lošinj. EmergenSea, with its contractual partners and in cooperation with Seassist srl Italy, covers the coastal area of Croatia, Italy, Malta, Montenegro, and Slovenia.


For all inquiries and assistance, we are available 24/7 at the phone numbers:

  • 0996 112 112
  • 098 306 609

You can also contact us via e-mail at:

For more information, visit our website: www.emergensea.net

* EMERGENSEA Help is registered name under Croatian patent office in Zagreb and World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneve. Owner of the registered name is Alimar Skipper Systems ltd. from Zadar Croatia.

"Our small business makes Croatia grow up"

Skipper’s log book

Skipper’s log book

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Skiperov brodski dnevnik idealan je poklon vašem gostu, a ujedno vašu firmu prikazuje onako kako ste vi sami zamislili. Od povijesti firme do prikaza svega ćime se bavite te mogućnost isticanja i vaših partnera. Pogledajte kako...


Alimar Skipper Systems ltd
Sv. Nikole Tavelića 64
23000 Zadar/Croatia

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