Our small job make Croatia grow up

Other activities

Snimke iz zraka sa brzim plovilima

Other activities

Within the scope of our nautical activities we also offer marketing services for the boating industry, representations of third parties at fairs and seminars, design of brochures and posters purely nautical in nature as well as advertising and articles for "Nautica".

Our references are the successfully accomplished jobs for respectable companies such as Elan, Honda Marine, Donat Board, Madex, Mares and all of our other satisfied business partners.

Among our other activities, we would like to draw your attention to the dry dock Dračevac, which is still under construction. After its completion and through an internet-based video link you will be able to supervise your boat or any repairs done on it.

You will be able to have your boat launched into the sea within 24 hours following your request.

Send us your e-mail to the e-mail: info@alimar.hr, and we will give answers to any of your question with pleasure.

Skipper’s log book

Skipper’s log book

Bearing in mind that navigation is in its essence an empirical science, a team of respected seamen and the experienced skippers have created for you ...


Skiperov brodski dnevnik idealan je poklon vašem gostu, a ujedno vašu firmu prikazuje onako kako ste vi sami zamislili. Od povijesti firme do prikaza svega ćime se bavite te mogućnost isticanja i vaših partnera. Pogledajte kako...


Alimar Skipper Systems ltd
Sv. Nikole Tavelića 64
23000 Zadar/Croatia

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