Our small job make Croatia grow up

NAUTIC inbound marketing by Alimar


NAUTIC inbound marketing by Alimar

Hello sea and nautical enthusiasts,

   In the dynamic world of the nautical business, it is important to keep pace with the latest trends and innovations. Inbound marketing by Alimar is here to offer you a solution that will help you highlight your company and expand your business.


Why Choose EmergenSea Help Inbound Marketing?

  • Expertise in Nautics: Leverage our long-standing experience in the nautical sector. We understand the specifics and dynamics of the nautical market in local and beyond.
  • Personalized Services: We will tailor the strategy to your needs and goals, ensuring maximum efficiency and success.
  • Sustainability and Ecology: As a company that values ecology, we offer marketing strategies that are focused on preserving natural resources and promoting sustainable business.

Our Services Include: 

  • SEO optimization and content marketing for better visibility of your website
  • Development and management of social networks, including targeted marketing campaigns
  • Email marketing campaigns tailored to your target audience
  • Analytics and reporting for tracking success and optimizing campaigns

Contact us today and together we will create a strategy that will take you to the top!


"Our small business make Croatia grow up"

Skipper’s log book

Skipper’s log book

Bearing in mind that navigation is in its essence an empirical science, a team of respected seamen and the experienced skippers have created for you ...


Skiperov brodski dnevnik idealan je poklon vašem gostu, a ujedno vašu firmu prikazuje onako kako ste vi sami zamislili. Od povijesti firme do prikaza svega ćime se bavite te mogućnost isticanja i vaših partnera. Pogledajte kako...


Alimar Skipper Systems ltd
Sv. Nikole Tavelića 64
23000 Zadar/Croatia

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